This blog basically is a FICTIONAL conversation between ME and "MY GURU" SV which is written for the only purpose of clarifying my own doubts and nothing else.
DISCLAIMER: Under Article (19).(1) (a) Right to freedom of speech and expression, I can express what ever I feel, under the boundaries of LAW which extensively supports free flow of Ideas. This Blog is Piously Written for DIE HARD FOLLOWERS of SV. If Glimpse of the Title itself Hurting you, for Vivekananda’s sake stop calling yourself a follower of HIS, because he was the Breathing & Walking form of Courage, who took UNHESITATING CRITICISM, and here you are an unfit weakling surviving under his shadow. All over this blog “SV” stands for SWAMI VIVEKANANDA,“RKPH” for RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHANSA, RD for RANDOM DISCIPLE and ME for MYSELF.
In my previous “2” works, I just gave an Intellectual Evaluation on SV, rather questioning him or having a conversation. Today through this blog I would like to have a piece of Conversation with my GURU SV, for that to happen he is currently “NO MORE” in this “PHYSICAL WORLD” but that cant stop me, I being a CULT FOLLOWER of his WORK would Reincarnate him within myself and have my conversation. Which basically contains bunch of Questions that need some clarification in order for me to get rid of them. I know there are some TRUE and REAL followers of SV, who Unlike me are not CONFUSED, and got the WHOLE JUICE of his IDEAS, TEACHINGS. So its their responsibility to LIBERATE and set me free a fellow follower like them and also CLEAR ALL MY DARKNESS OF CONFUSION. (THANK YOU)
In order for me to have a conversation, we need to go back to my FIRST BLOG where I raised a question about an ACT, which RKPH performs on SV in order for him to see and experience GOD through him (We called it the RKPH ACT). The details of that act and how it was performed still remains one of “THE” biggest mysteries for me and many till date. More over it acted as the Turning point of SV LIFE which started his journey as a GURU. For my surprise NONE of the followers of SV (Who were is millions) ever asked a single question about such an ACT or even took courage to address it. This clearly tells me, how Innocent and Foolish his followers were (In those times), But Today, his followers might be Innocent but not Foolish and me being one of them would defiantly ask him, What happened between YOU and RKPH in side the room and what procedure did RKPH follow to performed the ACT ?? This being said—— lets get into the discussion.
Before getting in to the main question, I would like to ask SV some prior Questions which would help us to have a 360 understanding about his whole practices.
(This whole conversation is written as if I’m having an interview with SV in front of his huge disciples, who also suffer with DARKNESS OF CONFUSION like me)
ME: SV SIR,What’s ? your take on subjugating your disciples to Intense YOGA and Vedanta study, when you can just show them(Disciples) GOD right here and now as your Guru RKPH showed GOD to you ?
RD : SV, SIR However all the activities which you make us perform (from the moment we wake up till we fell asleep) are designed in order to experience GOD then why not take the interviewer approach (RKPH ACT) this time. why don’t you just PIN me down and place your Glorious Foot on my chest just as RKPH placed on you that day and Instantly make me see and experience GOD. As you always preach, Aim of your life is to liberate people and there is no better way to do it then experiencing the Glory of God himself then why don’t you perform it (RKPH ACT) on me right now when everyone is watching. I’m ready to liberate myself no matter what it takes.( AUDIENCE with a big ROAR of APPLAUDS)
SV: All the questions which you just asked were really valid and intellectual but you have to understand the fact that there are always efficient approaches in terms of Knowing and experiencing GOD & I being the successor of RKPH, I teach you the absolute efficient ways than him.
RD: SV SIR, I know from your writings (Books) that you never believed in RKPH in your early days which is quite understandable because RKPH had proved you nothing back then, what if he had told you the same thing that there are efficient approaches in terms of Knowing and experiencing GOD when you desperately wanted to see GOD, I bet you would never in the world have believed him (an awkward silence spreads in SV ). You being our GURU today, also have proved us nothing till date, so how could you probably expect us to believe in your so called better ways of approaches GOD, isn’t it your responsibility to me GOD as like RKPH, Right Here and Right Now.
RD : SV SIR, Don’t you know today we live in a world where everything is changes rapidly and as modern people, we tend to believe more in Practical approach (RKPH ACT) rather then a Theoretical approach (Studying VEDANTA) and SV SIR, you being a practical person, Encouraging a theoretical approach now is really disheartening and indigestible.
( SV now obviously is in a undefendable situation, if he accepts that his ways are less efficient then he is compelled perform the RKPH ACT on the Disciple that too in front of the audience. But after the counter argument provided by on of his disciple he cant still go on blindly saying that his ways are efficient in terms of approaching GOD, (their is no other way than performing RKPH ACT) because people followed SV to get their life doubts cleared rather to get turn downed by him)
SV: O my lovely disciple I would like to tell you one thing, seeing and experiencing GOD takes an immense amount of concentration and self-control and you clearly havn’’t yet mastered them, and the Reason why I make all of you perform YOGA and Study Vedanta is to cultivate them (concentration and self-control) as efficiently as possible. (Sounds Fair enough to me).
RD: SV SIR, As you said I’m not ready, don’t you forget, you were too not yet ready when the RKPH ACT was performed on you, because RKPH never himself called you in his room. You were the one who couldn’t control the urge to see GOD and went running near RKPH, which clearly certifies that you were too not ready to see GOD that day as like me today (But the only difference today is, I replaced you and you replaced RKPH).
SV: What you said is Absolutely right and there is no denying it, But when I approached RKPH he truly believed & thought that I was ready, that’s why he performed the ACT on me, but when it comes to your case its not the same, You are not yet ready for the ACT (Sounds fair enough to me)
RD: SV SIR, I respect what ever you said, according to you I’m not yet ready then why don’t you to pick any one of our disciples form here, whom you think are the best and ready according to you and perform the RKPH ACT on them.(I’m really loving the way this discussion is going)
SV: (Holding his breath and feeling cornered) let me tell you, I know the RKPH ACT but the truth is I have been forbidden by my Guru to perform it in private or even in public till my last breath(**********************************) (Don’t ask me what does start’s mean)
RD: SV SIR, Then what’s the point of practicing and mastering such Greatly useless “1 rupee” skill and even dedicating our whole lives as MONKS in order to learn & master them, when we cant use them for peoples good in the first place.
( Me who controlled my mouth for 4 million years and finally got a chance to put myself out)
ME: SV SIR, In my view anyone who is a GURU or wants to be one. His prime agenda must be improving the path which he followed and learned from his GURU, so that “HIS” upcoming disciples could follow it in order to reach the goal (Which is experiencing GOD in this context) much efficiently and quickly.
SV: (Loudly In Intense pressure) My GURU RKPH never thought me the RKPH ACTTTTTTTTTTTTT !!!!
(Audience in immense SHOCK !!! and some people even got up to leave the interview)
(Me acting like narcissist and giving Again myself a chance to Unleash my strong definition skills)
ME: SV SIR, How in the HELL did RKPH chose you as his Successor. The definition of Successor by itself means a disciple who Absorbed all the knowledge, wisdom from his GURU and also had Mastered all the techniques and is as great as his Guru in all the aspects. When RKPH couldn’t afford to teach you such important technique (SKILL) then what kind of successor did he chose you for ? Lets forget RKPH for now, tell me why in the world did you even accept to Success him. When you didn’t even try to learn his most powerful technique which made you see and experience GOD, Is GOD a joke to you, didn’t you ever think what may happen to you if any of your followers ever asked you to demonstrate the RKPH ACT in Public or in Private.
RD: SV SIR, You said he had the ability to peep (LOOK) into the future. He probably know’s you as his Successor are destined to have lot more followers than he ever had (Indirectly lot more problems and Doubts to be clarified). Don’t you believe, he probably would have seen this day when I ask you to demonstrate the HIS ACT open in the public, then why didn’t he teach you the ACT. It’s really hard to digest the fact that your GURU RKPH had the ability to LOOK into the future,but still never thought of teaching you which is really Unfathomable on his part as a GURU.
(After this probably any piece conversation will be a waste of time for me and as well as for you. I no more want to continue it, because here SV himself accepted that he was not thought such an important skill which obviously will make him a UNFIT SUCCESSOR of RKPH and a FAKE ASS GURU. Finally for those who read till here, your free to cook your own conversation as per your imagination and intelligence, what happened from the point I left. If I really want I can drag the conversation by asking SV do you have the ability to look into the FUTURE as your GURU RKPH then it will become a never ending story which I truly don’t want to waste my time on. So i feel its better to halt as of now ,and invest that time on something else)
Before writing this Blog, I have tried my level best to find the disciple on whom the RKPH ACT might have been performed by SV. Forget about finding him, I personally didn’t even find a shadow of thought written about him by SV. Let us just assume, SV by chance had performed the RHPH ACT on one of his disciple at some point when he was ALIVE. Then who is he and where is he living today, why don’t he publicize and show himself up. I believe he could be only person with the ability and power to correct the world (If he Exists some where in the world). As like RKPH choose a successor, why didn’t SV choose his successor (This is also a big Mystery with misery). If SV didn’t choose his Successor, why don’t this person success him and be the next great GURU.
The problem is not over yet, Till now the biggest mystery is unanswered, How was the ACT performed ??
This time I searched about it on Google, Quora and asked about it to AI CHAT BOTS but the procedure was nowhere to be found. In the whole process, I only met with confusion and more confusion. (All of the sites just gave me the same repeated stanza of RKPH placing his leg on SV chest and squashes him under his foot (similar way as we squash cockroaches under our leg) and doors opens and SV comes out and its done (Just like 2 min instant noodles). To me the real disappointment is, SV himself had never even tried to explain it, which is really hard to believe and **********. As far as I read SV he is not a person who let’s his disciples or followers down, I’m sure he must have thought it (RKPH ACT) to some one.It’s a matter of time, when that person steps up and publicizes himself (Which is impossible because its been a century since SV left this physical world). I just imagine how revolutionary the world would be today in terms of HINDUISM, if any one of his disciples steps up today and start putting the RKPH ACT into ACTION. I could only Imagine the Prosperity and happiness that it will spread all over the world.———— (I’M DONE)
Some of you might feel why am I making a big deal of GOD, because experiencing GOD is not JOKE its not a cotton candy that everyone get’s to taste every day. There as only one in a ZILLION chance that a human comes up with a practical idea of approaching GOD and that too from INDIA its very RARE. We all know, the Question, Does GOD exist or NOT, has been one of biggest debate topics between science and religion for thousands of years. Throughout the history, HINDUISM has been always under threat by various people who have conquered INDIA & IMMORALLY introduces their religion (ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY) in INDIAN, But we as losers have never done any thing such even close to it (this doesn’t mean I want INDIANS to conquer the countries), But we all had a chance of doing it in the form of SV through RKPH ACT which would have CHECKMATED all the religions around the GLOBE but SV rather focusing on practical approach took a theoretical Approach, which every 3rd class GURU did in those days. Now you think and ask yourself, did I commit a unrepeatable mistake in terms of asking SV such brutally honest questions ??????
After all this hot discussion the readers might have made a strong mind that, I hate SV to the core, but it’s not true. I really love him as a personality and I incorporated a lot of principles in myself (such as the self analysis through questioning and consciousness dilemma) and still use them till date. But one thing which made me burst out was defiantly the book “"MY IDEA OF EDUCATION”. It will prick me UN TILL a true follower of SV comes and clarifies all my legitimate doubts. I’m just happy because this whole Blog is MY FICTIONALLY WRITTEN CONVERSATION, just imagine what would happened if all these questions were asked to SV, when he attended a conference where MILLIONS of followers were staring at him expecting answers that to in the form Practical approach rather YAPPING (Don’t try to imagine, it really is will give you NIGHTMARES******). Hopefully the last “3” blogs of mine were Enlightening rather Clumsy & Confusing, I really enjoyed writing all of them. A BIG thanks to all those, who understood my Pious Criticism on SV forehand (who were NOOOOO ONE) and provided their valuable INSIGHTS (which was NOTHINGGGGGG !!!!)